A broken bone is a common event. Given time and the right care, the bone is able to heal itself. A plaster cast is applied to hold the arm or leg fracture in place while the bone heals. On average, plaster casts stay on for about 6 weeks. This is sometimes longer or shorter, depending on your age, general health and type of fracture. During this time, x-rays are done to check that the bone is healing well. If there are problems with the type of fracture or the way in which the fracture is healing, you may be referred to an orthopaedic surgeon (bone doctor).

Our physiotherapists are experienced in the application and removal of waterproof short arm, short leg and scaphoid casts. If your treating doctor has requested a waterproof cast please call the practice to book in an appointment time. 

For further information about caring for your cast and signs and symptoms to look out for please download our plaster information sheet here: